Miscellaneous Item Pick Up Service Will Resume Thursday 3/6/25
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Special Event Permit Requests

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Planning a 5K run, parade, or another special event in the city limits? We're excited to help make your event a success! To ensure a smooth and safe experience for all, please follow the steps below to submit a Special Event Permit Request.

  1. Download the Permit Application Form: Click [here] to download the Special Event Permit Request Form.
  2. Complete the Form: Fill out the form with detailed information about your event, including the date, location, proposed route (for parades and 5k), and any other pertinent details.
  3. Provide Supporting Documents: Attach any necessary supporting documents, such as site plans, event maps, or insurance certificates, as outlined in the application form.
  4. Submit the Application:
    • In-Person: Return the form to the Larry Bagwell Gym (111 Walkers Way Easley, SC 29642).
      • Hours to return the form: Monday - Saturday 6AM to 9PM and Sunday 1PM - 5PM
    • Email: Scan or take clear photos of your completed form and email it to dhess@cityofeasley.com
Please note there is a processing fee: A non-refundable processing fee is required for the review of your application. The fee details and payment instructions can be found in the application form.

If you have any questions regarding the permit or the permit process, please contact Danielle Hess at dhess@cityofeasley.com.