The City of Easley Does Not Collect or Haul:
1) Brush or Yard Debris from Work done by Contractors
2) Any Debris from Construction or Repair (Contracted or Self Repair)
3) Asphalt Shingles or Roofing Materials
4) Lumber, Gutters, Sinks, Commodes, Windows, & Doors
5) Carpet or Floor Covering
6) Paint Cans Containing Wet Paint
7) Landscape Timbers or Crossties
8) Chemical or Used Chemical Containers
9) Hazardous Household Materials
10) Lead Acid Batteries
11) Tires or Automobile Parts
12) Mulch, Dirt, Rock, Stone, Brick, or Block
13) Stumps over 8 inches in diameter
14) Brush Larger Than 6’ Long & 8” In Diameter
15) Limbs Mixed Leaves
16) Bagged Leaves
17) Electronics
18) Grass clippings on the ground (Must be in a brown city roll cart in order to be picked up)
(Grass is accepted at our Courtesy Recycling Center 201 West A Ave.)